Tuesday, August 11, 2020

"That They May See," by Sister Bonnie Cordon

"That They May See" by Sister Bonnie H. Cordon

August 9, 2020 -- Lesson by Karen Peisley

At the beginning of Sister Cordon’s talk, she refers to the First Vision that occurred two hundred years ago.  She says, “In that light, Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Their light drove back the spiritual darkness that covered the earth and pointed the way forward for Joseph Smith—and for all of us. Because of the light revealed that day, we can receive the fullness of blessings available through the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

“By virtue of the Restoration of His gospel, we can be filled with the light of our Savior. However, that light is not meant for you and me alone. Jesus Christ has called upon us to “let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”1 I have come to love the phrase “that they may see.” It is an earnest invitation from the Lord to be more intentional about helping others see the path and thereby come unto Christ.”


We can follow Christ’s example of sharing the light with others. Have you had a missionary experience you would like to share with us on our blog? Some experiences could be with inactive neighbors, family members or those we work with.


Our missionaries have asked us to take 15 minutes of our time to have a missionary experience with them. “Our full-time missionaries would love to meet with individuals and families for a 15 minute virtual message.  (Please see the RS email for details).


Bishop Balle has asked us to reach out to our neighbors, new and long time neighbors, if just by visiting over the fence.


As a lighthouse guides a ship safely to the shore, we can be a guiding light for others' safe return to our Heavenly Father.


Sister Corbon concludes: “I invite all of us to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be compassionately aware of those around us. Look and pray for opportunities to let your light shine that others may see the way to Jesus Christ. His promise is great: “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”12 I testify that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the way, the truth, the life, light, and love of the world. In the name of Jesus Christ.”


Sunday, July 26, 2020

"The Finest Homes," by Elder L. Whitney Clayton

"The Finest Homes," by Elder L. Whitney Clayton
Lesson by Tina Gregoire

The Savior is the perfect engineer, builder, and interior designer. His project is the perfection
and eternal joy of our souls.

Elder Clayton begins his talk by asking the question: what is a finest home? He then gives us four
observations about fine homes.
First: “From the Lord’s perspective, establishing the finest homes has everything to do with the
personal qualities of the people who live there. The finest characteristic of any home is the
image of Christ reflected in the home’s residents…..Christlike attributes adorn the lives of those
who strive to live with goodness.”
Second: “Residents in the finest homes make time to study the scriptures and the words of
living prophets. President Nelson has invited us to “transform” and “remodel” our homes
through gospel study. His invitation recognizes that fine homes house the tender, vital work of
personal growth and remodeling our weaknesses.”
Third: “Fine homes follow the blueprint created by the Lord for His finest home, the
temple…..As we continue in faith, the Lord gradually changes us . We receive His image in our
countenance and begin to reflect the love and beauty of His character. As we become more like
Him, we will feel at home in His house.”
Fourth: “The finest homes are refuges from the storms of life. The Lord has promised that those
who keep the commandments of God ‘prosper in the land’. God’s prosperity is the power to
press forward despite the problems of life.”

Elder Clayton ends his talk on this note: “Wherever you live, whatever your house looks like, and
whatever the composition of your family you can help build the finest home for your family.
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ provides the plans for that home.”

As we navigate this “new normal” that is life right now, I am grateful for a living prophet that has
prepared us for Home Centered, Church Supported Learning and in all ways to strengthen
ourselves and our family from our own homes

I testify that as we try to live Christlike lives, study the scriptures, be worthy for and attend the
temple and keep the Lord’s commandments, our faith will be strengthened every day and our
homes will be “fine” for The King.

Monday, July 13, 2020

"Spiritually Defining Memories," by Neil L. Andersen

Elder Neil L. Andersen (Summary - Barb Hoffman)

“Eighteen years after the First Vision, the Prophet Joseph Smith wrote an extensive account of
his experience, persecution, harassment, threats, and brutal attacks. Yet he continued to
boldly testify of his First Vision”. ‘I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw
two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for
saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true. …I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I
could not deny it’.

Sisters—think about the point or times in your life that you have received a witness through the
Holy Spirit that Joseph Smith did indeed see what he testified of, and never denied, even unto
death. I find it to be a sacred experience and blessing that each time I read his words, the truth
is re-affirmed in my heart! I have been to the Sacred Grove several times, and each time, once
again, the strong witness has come. Have you shared your personal witness experience with
your children and| or written it down?

“Along with the peaceful direction we receive from the Holy Ghost, from time to time, God
powerfully and very personally assures each of us that He knows us and loves us and that He is
blessings us specifically and openly. Then, in our moments of difficulty, the Savior brings these
experiences back into our mind. Think of your own life. God knows and loves each of us and
that He eagerly desires to reveal Himself to us. These experiences may come at pivotal times in
our lives or in what may at first seem as uneventful happenings, but they are always
accompanied by an exceptionally strong spiritual confirmation of the love of God.”

Sisters—I echo the Prophet Joseph because of my spiritually defining memories, when he
declared: “What I received was from heaven. I know it, and I know that God knows that I know

Elder Andersen gives us 4 faith-promoting miracles in this message. I invite you to read each of
them and think about or re-read from your journal or other writings, experiences that you have
had in your life that were messages just for you. Elder Andersen states at the end of the
message he had as a young missionary: “I prayed, Heavenly Father, please help me to never
forget what I have just felt. I never have. These spiritually defining moments come at different
times and in different ways, individualized for each of us. While we cannot choose the timing
of receiving these defining moments, Pres. Henry B. Eyring gave this counsel in our preparation:
“Tonight, and tomorrow night, you might pray and ponder, asking the questions: Did God send
a message that was just for me? Did I see His hand in my life or the lives of my family? Faith,
obedience, humility, and real intent open the windows of heaven.”

Elder Andersen’s promise: “I promise that as you willingly acknowledge and carefully treasure
the spiritually defining events in your life, more and more will come to you. Heavenly Father
knows you and loves you!

Sisters—With love to each of you, I believe firmly in his promise, and testify of the truthfulness
of his message.

Monday, June 29, 2020

"A Perfect Brightness of Hope," by Elder Holland

A Perfect Brightness of Hope (by Elder Jeffrey Holland)

Sisters, as Barbara so appropriately shared in our last blog, I too miss seeing your beautiful faces and hearing the wonderful insights you have received from the spirit and your life experiences.  I hope that as you have listened to or read this wonderful conference address “A Perfect Brightness of Hope” by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland that you will take just a minute and share with us one or two of your thoughts.  We all will be blessed and enriched.


“Because the Restoration reaffirmed the foundational truth that God does work in this world, we can hope, we should hope, even when facing the most insurmountable odds…..We all need to believe that what we desire in righteousness can someday, someway, somehow yet be ours….”  May I add my testimony and witness to the truth of Elder Holland’s message of hope, a hope born from exercising faith in Jesus Christ. 


I love an account shared by Sister Elaine Dalton in a past conference address of a young woman named Florence Chadwick.  From the age of 10, Florence discovered that she was a talented swimmer. She swam the English Channel in record time of 13 hours and 20 minutes. She later attempted to swim between the coastline of California and Catalina Islandsome 21 miles. On this swim she grew weary after swimming 15 hours. A thick fog set in that obscured the view of the coastline. Her mother was riding alongside her in a boat, and Florence told her mother that she didn’t think she could finish. Her mother and her trainer encouraged her to continue, but all she could see was the fog. She abandoned her swim, but once inside the boat, she discovered she had quit within one mile of the coastline. Later, when she was interviewed and asked why she had abandoned her swim, she confessed that it wasn’t the cold water and it wasn’t the distance. She said, “I was licked by the fog.” Later she attempted the swim again, and once more, a thick fog set in. But this time, she kept going until she successfully reached the coastline. This time when she was asked what made the difference, she said that she kept a mental image of the coastline in her mind through the thick fog and throughout the duration of her swim.


I believe that each of us during this mortal experience can feel “licked by the fog”, but as Elder Holland shared (echoing) “ the sentiment of a ...young returned sister missionary …..‘We did not come this far only to come this far’”.


Florence eventually succeeded in her swim though long, cold, hard, and again in thick fog, when she kept the image of the coastline in her mind.  In a similar way, I felt Elder Holland’s encouragement that we too can succeed, when we keep the mental image of Christ in our minds, “His power to lift us above any adversity we may face,” and remembering His goodness personally, and collectively as a church.


The memory of the coastline gave Florence hope.  For me, remembering that Christ’s promises are sure helps me to “press forward …with a perfect brightness of hope.  I hold on to the testimony and reassuring words of Elder Holland when he said…. “the future is going to be as miracle-filled and bountifully blessed as the past has been. We have every reason to hope for blessings even greater than those we have already received because this is the work of Almighty God…this is the gospel of Christ’s unlimited grace and benevolence.”  “We can hope….we should hope”. 


Additional Study suggestions:

-Ask yourself: “What does hope look like in my life?”

- “Good things to Come” a 5 minute video/ a personal experience of Elder Holland – found on: youtube; churchofjesuschrist.org; or Latter-Day Saints Channel

-“An High Priest of Good Things To Come” (October 1999 Conference Address) by Elder Holland

-“Hope, an Anchor of the Soul” (Conference Report, Oct. 1999) by James E. Faust

-Moroni 7: 40-44

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

"Hear Him," by President Russell M. Nelson

Dear Sisters…As I prepare these digital summaries of the lessons I have been assigned to share, I think of how much I miss looking into your beautiful faces and learning from you as you contribute your insights in class.  I LOVE YOU!

--Barbara Hoffman

                            “HEAR HIM” – PRESIDENT RUSSELL M. NELSON  

“The increasing darkness that accompanies tribulation makes the light of Jesus Christ shine even brighter.  Just think of the good each of us can do during this time of global upheaval.  Regardless of where you live or what your circumstances are, the Lord Jesus Christ is your Savior, and God’s prophet, Joseph Smith is your prophet. He was foreordained before the foundation of the earth to be the prophet of this last dispensation, when ‘nothing shall be withheld’ from the Saints.  Revelation continues to flow from the Lord during this ongoing process of restoration. The adversary is clever.  For millennia he has been making good look evil and evil look good.  His messages tend to be loud, bold and boastful.  However, messages from our Heavenly Father are strongly different.  He communicates simply, quietly, and with such stunning plainness, that we cannot misunderstand Him. For example, when He has introduced His Only Begotten Son to mortals upon the earth, He has done so with remarkably few words. To Joseph Smith, that profound declaration that opened this dispensation, God simply said, ‘This is My Beloved Son.  Hear Him!’ Our Father knows that when we are surrounded by uncertainty and fear, what will help us the very most is to hear His Son.  Because when we seek to hear—truly hear—His Son, we will be guided to know what to do in any circumstance. The very first word in the Doctrine and Covenants is hearken. It means ‘to listen with intent to obey’.  To hearken means to ‘hear Him’—to hear what the Savior says and then to heed His counsel. In these two words—‘Hear Him’—God gives us the pattern for success, happiness and joy in this life. We are to hear the words of the Lord, hearken to them, and heed what He has told us! As we seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ, our efforts to hear Him to be ever more intentional.  It takes conscious and consistent effort to fill our daily lives with His words, His teachings, His truths.”

     President Nelson asks: “where can we go to hear Him?”  He reminds us to go to the scriptures every day.  He urges us to attend the temple, and do family history and indexing while the temples are closed.  He teaches us that we must refine our ability to recognize the whispering of the Holy Ghost to hear Him more clearly.  

“The Holy Ghost is the messenger.  He is the Comforter.  He will bring peace to your heart.  He testifies of truth and will confirm what is true as you hear and read the word of the Lord.  I renew my plea for you to do whatever it takes to increase your spiritual capacity to receive personal revelation.  And finally, we hear Him as we heed the words of prophets, seers and revelators.”

       President Nelson blessed us all: “What will happen as you more intentionally  hear, hearken, and heed what the Savior has said and what He is saying now through His prophets?  I promise that you will be blessed with additional power to deal with temptation, struggles, and weakness.  I promise miracles in your marriage, family relationships, and daily work.  And I promise that your capacity to feel joy will increase even if turbulence increases in your life.”

      Sisters,  I testify of  the divinity and truths of our Prophet’s powerful message. MY  sincere prayer is that we will all hear, hearken, and heed.


I invite you to study the Bicentennial Proclamation and have it confirmed in your hearts and minds as truth.

I also invite you to make your own list of personal ways that you hear Him –some through seeing, that cause you to hear Him.  It was a wonderful experience for me! 


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

"Opening Message," and "Go Forth with Faith," by President Nelson

by President Russell M Nelson
Lesson by Diane Bott

Listening to our prophet as he opened this conference, with his calming peaceful words, filled my soul with peace and my heart with gratitude that we have been blessed with a strong spiritual leader at this time.
As he said, we had no idea that the world would be thrust into this dire situation at this time. But even though conference was presented in this unique and different way,  the Spirit was as strong and apparent as usual.  I also know that it is because of my faith in Jesus Christ and the knowledge that He is directing us through our prophet, that I have been able to be at peace with anything that we have been asked to do.

Speaking of the trial we are going through right now, President Nelson says;
 “How can we endure such trials? The Lord has told us that “if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.”  Our ultimate quest in life is to prepare to meet our Maker. We do this by striving daily to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ. And we do that as we repent daily, receive his cleansing, healing, and strengthening power. Then we can feel enduring peace and joy, even during turbulent times.”

Pres. Nelson has been preparing us all year, as we have all been looking forward to the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of The First Vision. About this great event, Pres. Nelson said, “The purpose of this, and every general conference, is to help us to Hear Him.  We have prayed, and invite you to pray, that the Spirit of the Lord will be with us in such rich abundance that you can hear the messages that the Savior has especially for you. — Messages that will bring peace to your soul. Messages that will heal your broken heart. Messages that will illuminate your Mind. Messages that will help you know what to do as you move ahead through times of turmoil and trial.“

I personally did hear many of these messages, and they did have such a powerful effect on my spirit. I have had no fear throughout this trial, and have felt the love and support of our leaders, friends and family members.

In Pres. Nelson‘s talk entitled, “Go Forward in Faith”,  he summarized all of the memorable things that happened and were talked about during this conference. I feel that it was an especially wonderful few days that we had; listening to great leaders, experiencing beautiful music, hearing some great ideas of things that we can do to go forward now with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that His plan for us, is to have joy and to return to him.

Especially sweet was the prophet’s apostolic blessing that he bestowed on each and every one of us. My heart is so full, knowing that he loves us all very much and is so concerned for our safety and well-being, that he would pray so fervently to the Lord in our behalf. These are the words of his prayer —

I bless you with peace and increasing faith in the Lord.

 I bless you with a desire to repent and become a little more like him each day.

 I bless you to know that the Prophet Joseph Smith is the prophet of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness.

 Should there be illness among you or your loved ones, I leave a blessing of healing, consistent with the will of the Lord.

  I so bless you, adding once more my expression of love for each of you in the sacred name of Jesus Christ,
amen. “

I invite you all to think deeply of his prayer for you. How your life has been blessed by the restoration and our prophet’s words today. Read about and remember all of the things in this talk that Pres. Nelson recalled to have taken place during this conference. He emphasized how important all of these things are for us right now.  

I also pray for your safety and peace.  I love you and miss you and hope that we can meet together again soon. These thoughts I share with you in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

Sunday, May 10, 2020

"An Especially Noble Calling" by Sister Joy D. Jones

Sister Joy D. Jones
Lesson by Karen Peisley

As I listened to Sister Jones’ talk during Conference, I was reminded of the Relief Society Declaration. It seemed to me she was referring to the Declaration all through her talk. Words were different but the meaning was the same. I printed a copy of her talk and a copy of the Relief Society Declaration. As I read through her talk, I hi-lighted both copies as they related to each other.

An example I thought of was, Sister Jones said, “It is clear that throughout history women have held a distinctive place in our Heavenly Fathers plan.” In the Declaration it is stated, “. . . understand our divine destiny. . .” President Nelson asked the women of the Church to pray to Heavenly Father to know and understand our personal worth.

“We are beloved spirit daughters of God” and we each have many talents and strengths to further the work of the Lord here on the Earth.

“Let us boldly declare our devotion to our Heavenly Father and our Savior, ‘with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.’ Let us joyfully continue this journey toward our highest spiritual potential and help those around us to do the same through love, service, leadership, and compassion.”